Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Can't Cut It

I was looking for fabric in my stash the other day for a class I'm taking, when I came across and came upon penguins fabric I just couldn't cut into small squares. So I pulled out a pattern, looked to see what I needed and was able to pull from my stash. I think it took longer to cut it out than to put it together. I made the lap size.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I fell off the wagon

Between yesterday when a friend gave me about 25 yards of fabric and tonight when I got a jelly roll and 2 2/3 yards fabric for a class, I blew my diet. I went through the boxes of fabric and did not take it all. Then when I was putting it away, I pulled out some of my older fabric I was no longer in love with and out it in the box it went. Right now I'd say I'm up about 10 yards from my down 11.5 yards. I did get another top cut out today that used 4.5 yards from my stash. I hope to have it made this weekend.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

I finished my oldest ufo on Sunday night. After a nice dinner with my sister and brother in law, I showed her the two different border choices and we picked one. I came home, cut them out and they are sewn on. Yet another one off the list and onto the to be quilted list. I am okay with that list being long. Next on the list to be completed is the binding on my Storm at Sea.

This is a picture of Take Five. The pattern is by Linda Ballard.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

More Loss

One way to lose more fabric is to give some to your friends. I was cleaning a shelf of fabric and found 3 fat quarters I can live without. I brought two to one friend tonight and the other will be given to another on Monday. So that is now a total of 11.5 yards. Sure doesn't see like that much as I still have a lot of fabric.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chickens on my quilt

Once again I used fabric from my stash to make this top. It was a package of 13 fat quarters. I decided to use the yellow Brick Road pattern. Twelve fat quarters were used in the top and the 13th was given to a friend today. I am procrastinating against working on the ufo sitting waiting for me to finish. I figured as long as I was working on my fabric diet, I was ok to start a new top. Plus it's done. So far I am down 10.75 yards of fabric from my stash.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fabric Diet

Last Sunday I decided I had to much fabric and was not allowed to buy any until I lost 50 yards. Of course, the exception to the rule is if I need some to finish up a project or for a class. Since I have made the decision, I have used seven yards. Four and a half yards for the Bento Box, and gave a friend two and a half yards. I figured the latter counted as it was out of my stash. What I need to do is take pictures of the fabric before I use it and then of the completed top.

Year of the UFOs

I have decided this was the year of the UFOs (UnFinished Objects). So far I have three off my list, binding on my Earth Wind and Fire, Aunt Lizzie's Choice and Storm at Sea. The last are tops that have been completed. To me that takes them off the ufo list and on to the to be quilted list.