My first post of 2011 starts with my being able to finish sewing the rows together of Storm at Sea before midnight. Now the hunt is on for more blue fabric to complete the quilt top. I am about 5 inches shirt to do what I want and piecing will not do. Arggggg.
As far as stash busting for last year, I did good. All in all I have 118.25 yards less of fabric in my stash. I only added 53.25 yards, gifted/donated 37.25 and used 132.25 from my stash. I am going to try to do this yet again this year. I still have lots and lots of fabric to use and it's fun to shop my stash. I have quilts I want to make in the coming year and look forward to starting something new. The $64,000 is what to do first. As I have several cut out but never started I will do one on those first. As I did last year, I will try to make a donation top every other month and if I do one every month better yet.