Monday, September 1, 2014

Design Wall Monday

This past week I went to a new to me quilt retreat. It was located at Zephyr Point. I got very lucky and had a view of Lake Tahoe while I was sewing. This was my view taken from the window.  I started a new project, a log cabin. I've been collecting fabric for this for a long long time. I forgot to actually take a picture of the fabric before cutting it up for this and several others I want to do. I was able to complete four blocks with another 21 in various stages. I am not sure how big I am going to make it or the lay out.

My view
My sewing area
First block

The first 4 blocks

Monday, July 28, 2014

Design Wall Monday - Cat Quilt

It's Monday and I have a quilt on my design wall. Okay there are blocks on the design wall. Cat blocks and 30 of them. Now to lay them out in a pleasing arrangement. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cat Quilt

I went to my Spring quilt retreat and worked on blocks for the quilt.  I always make one block of any project if I can then go back and make the unit's for the block. Makes it go much faster.  Her is the first of many blocks.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Cat Quilt 2014

It's time to start this years cat quilt for Marin Cat Connection.  With the help of my favorite cutter, my Dad, it's all cut out ready to start. There are 15 different fabrics plus the background.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stitches West 2014

This past weekend I attended Stitches West 2014. I've been before but never took any classes. I took two classes. One was making socks from the toe up with an afterthought heal and the other was intarsia. Enjoyed both. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Design Wall Monday

Ok this is not my design wall but it is my quilt I've made. As it's completed I wanted to show it one last time. It's a gift for a friends brand new granddaughter.

Red and White Challenge

On Saturday I met my quilting buddy at my LQS to look for yet more red fabric. I found eight more I thought will look good in this quilt. So I got a quarter of a yard each.  I need to add it into my stash report even though I'm going to take it right out. I'm trying to decided how to even count all this fabric. I pulled 9.5 yards out of my stash but some will be going back as I do not need it all.  I think I'm going to count all the red out then add back in once I'm completed. I have a friend in Oregon who loves to quilt. I ask if she would like to accept a mission of looking for red fabric. Of course she jumped at it. So I'll have one more picture of fabric. I have started cutting out and do a little bit each day.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Red and White Challenge

We all need a friend in our life who is an enabler. Mine is my friend and quilting buddy Kerstin.  Yesterday at mini group, she was talking about the red and white challenge that she had read about. I've have always talked about doing a red and white quilt. I've been collecting red fabric and know the pattern I want to use. The pattern does not have a name except I call it Green Quilt Number 6 as it was the sixth green quilt Kerstin made. I too made one and it's called Green Quilt Number 6 even though it's my first green quilt.  I made one in pinks and it's called Green Quilt Number 6 in Pink. We ended up on the phone later and we talked about the challenge.  I knew I had white squares cut out I was planning on using. To make sure I'd have enough, she figured out how many I'd need to make it queen size. I had to only cut about 25 more and I'd had enough. Total squares are 570 give or take a few.  I then pulled red fabric and have 20 different fabrics. There is a total of 9.5 yard.  Might need to trade with my enable to get more variety. This is a picture of the fabric prewashed. I have learned to wash fabric.

This is what 570 white squares in a box to contain them looks like.

Design Wall Monday

I have been plugging along on my class project. Not a lot done but progress has been made. I'm making a game plan so I can get it done. Kerstin, my friend and fellow quilter has me excited to do this years red and white challenge. I think I'll just called her an enabler. But I digress. So this is a picture of this weeks progress

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What's on my Needles

I took my very first knitting class this past Saturday at Knittery. We are making a top down sweater.  The class is done in two sessions two weeks a part. This is what I've done so far.  I even used stash yarn I had purchased for a different sweater.  When I'm ready for that sweater, I'll get more yarn. I've been so happy with what I've gotten done so far. We have homework so best to go back to work. It's the same yarn I think it was the flash that made it look different.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Yarn Report - Week 3

I've made progress on the afghan for my Dad. It's about half done now.  For some reason I seem to having more yarn in than I'm knitting. My newest is from Fibernympy. It's a special order called Soft Kitty.  Any Big Bang Theory fans will know the story and song.
Used this Week: 0 skeins
Used/Traded/Gifted since 1/1/2014: 7 skeins
Added this week: 1 skeins
Added since 1/1/21014: 6 skeins
Net Used/Traded/Gifted since 1/1/2014: 1 skein

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Yarn Report - Week 2

I'm already a week behind in my reporting and I feel off the wagon.  Someone was selling a skein of Wollmeise at knit night. It's in lovely jewel tones and I just couldn't not buy it.  Not sure what I'm going to make with it but it sure is pretty. I did trade yarn with someone on Raverly.  I sent her 7 skeins so I'm counting it as out. When I get my trade I'll them back in. They are different number of skeins so that's why I am counting them.

Used this Week: 0 skeins
Used/Traded/Gifted since 1/1/2014: 7 skeins
Added this week: 3 skeins
Added since 1/1/21014: 5 skeins
Net Used since 1/1/2014: 2 skeins

Monday, January 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday

Well off to a good start. First Design Wall Monday and I have something to post. I'm going to get this done. Turns out I need to cut 2 more colors. It's from the class I took a while ago. The pattern is Now You See It... Now You Don't by Linda Ballard. It's done in fall colors. The ones looking black are really a dark green.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

What day is is?

It's been a long time since I'd posted anything to here. Not much to show for the long absent. I finished a scarf and shrug for my sister for Christmas. Pillowcases for my mini group friends also for Christmas. Did I think to take pictures? NOOOOOOO Oh well life will go on. I have been plugging along on my Dad's afghan. It's officially late as his birthday was the on the 1st.  I gave him other goodies and told him about his new afghan.  It's close to half done. 

I stopped keeping track of my stash busting around mid July. No idea why I stopped but I did. Need to be better about that this year.  I am making smaller quilting goals this year and maybe I can get them done. 

My List for this year. Not in order of priorty.

Binding on the quilt for Blue Star Mom's of Marin

Butter Churn Quilt
Complete Now You See It ... Now You Don't by Linda Ballard
Quilt for Buttons Young
Two pillowcases for my sister

Dad's Afghan
Sweater (Kimono pattern - started)
3 scarves

I'm sure there will be other things to add to one or the other list but for now that's it.