Monday, October 29, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I have been working on a quilt for a friend's daughter who is 7 and loves pink. I forgot to take pictures along the way like I like to do. So today remembering it's DWM, I took pictures. I have not counted the total different picks but I'm thinking close to 35-40. Plus there will be close to 500 2 inch squares of while when all is said and done This picture is all the extra squares that have been cut waiting to go into another quilt.
This picture is progress being made. Some times I get working on it and can not stop making the 9 patches. I have a system of doing this so it's actually going pretty quickly.
This is what it currently looks like. I am trying to do a row or two a day. If I get more done the better.


  1. I love it, love it!!! Making 9 patches is one of my favorite blocks and use them as leader/enders. But, how do you keep your place and know what colors to put where in your 9 patch? It is turning out fantastic, but looks difficult. Does this pattern have a name??

  2. Thank you for your kind remark on this top. Sorry there is no name for this quilt that I know of. I got the pattern from a friend who got the idea from something she saw in a magazine.
